Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Fish and Loaves and Scrapbook Cards

  I keep wanting to talk about our whole "fish and loaves" situation, which we are very fortunate to have. And for those who don't understand the reference, I am referring to the Bible story when Jesus fed five thousand people with just two fish and five loaves of bread that continued to multiply! Obviously our version is not that intense, but with Emma's EleCare formula, which we were lucky to get for free from WIC for a while when our income was less, each can was lasting Emma an average of four days. I definitely thought we would have run out in July or maybe August. Michael said there was no way my math was right and that we would be out of cans by April or May, but here we are in October and look at all the cans we have left:

   Not including the can on the floor which is currently opened, but mostly full, there are (5 boxes x 6 cans) + 9 unboxed = 39 cans left. Fish and loaves, I tell ya! :)  Now they might last us until January? And if you are wondering why one can is blue, it is because that is an unflavored can given to us by the dietician and the rest are vanilla. 

Update from 10/21: yesterday I did the math after seeing how long a can currently lasts (72 hours with her being on a higher ML feed schedule- while my previous experiment from earlier in the year when she was only on 30ML/hour lasted us 96 hours), so the rest of these EleCare Jr may get us until Valentine's Day?!

Anyway, whenever we do run out, as we were instructed by Emma's GI doctor last Halloween, we will switch her to the Pediasure bottles. Last November we experimented to see if she did well on Pediasure and she did great. All we had to do was add her usual amount of Pectin to each bottle. We tried weaning her off of Pectin, but once she got halfway off, she was gagging a lot while pooping.

   Maybe while I'm thinking about it, tonight I'll pick up a six pack of Pediasure at Target.. although some of the EleCare expires in December and I definitely don't want to waste that, and then she has 15 cans that are good until September 2021. So we'll experiment with the Pediasure at the beginning of the year or whenever she uses up all of the December 2020 cans. 

^^ Me and Emma at the GI appointment on Halloween 2019 -hence my dark eye make up! ;)
vs Big Girl Emma today! (below)

   Here are some other photo shoots I did last week of Emma wearing some newer Halloween outfits that I most likely got on clearance last November! I don't even remember buying the one with the tiny kitty heads and black skirt, but she looks so good in it. I believe I got the cream one at Ross. 

   Is it even Halloween without getting to throw candy around the room for 30 minutes while Mommy takes pictures?! And I didn't end up making any scrapbook cards out of her Halloween costumes this year because a lot of times I feel too lazy to get out the photo printer, and using mini Polaroids is so much more fun and convenient! So I made cards for our moms out of these cute photos instead. It is funny to see Emma's "deer in the headlights" look every single time the Polaroid flash goes off immediately after her smile. 

^^ primordial dwarfism pun? you decide. ;)

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