Monday, October 26, 2020

Pregnancy Twins (2016)

We have now reached Pregnancy Twins, Part IV: The Final Chapter -- well maybe not. It would be fun to keep the photo tradition going over the next several years. The final chapter could be the four of us together with Emma and Logan in their high school graduation caps and gowns, although there is a good chance they won’t go to the same high school since we don’t live in the same town. 

Anyway, today is my "preg-iversary" with Emma! It was very exciting, back in 2016, when Lindsey found out that she was pregnant just two days after I did! My story was that I found out the morning of Wednesday, October 26th after Michael had gone to work and I had to wait the whole, very long day until he got home late and I ended up telling him over the phone because I couldn’t wait.. Lindsey took her test in the afternoon of October 28th because her son Luke, who was three at the time, woke up from a nap and was asking who the baby in her tummy was. Crazy! Lindsey and her husband, like us, were also trying to get pregnant. 

We hung out a few days later on Halloween and took our very first (non-existent, ha!) bump photos in our costumes before taking Luke to Boo at the Zoo in Gainesville, where the entry is a simple can of beans/soup, etc. How wonderful! No wonder they get 5,000 people coming through in one day, but, of course, had to cancel it this year. I definitely want to take Emma there one year, maybe in 2022 and then trick-or-treating in my parent’s neighborhood where tons of the residents participate. Oh darn, I can see I’m already scheduled to work Halloween again that year. I’ll have to request it off.

Lindsey gave me this matching bracelet, which I still have and am currently wearing as I type this, that she bought as a "let's celebrate!" type of gift. She bought them from her friend Kathryn who made them for her jewelry company called Orange Magnolia. The colors don't symbolize anything in particular, but in general it stands for love and joy, which we both share in our relationship for each other and for our new babies! 

At the end of January, I was in Gainesville for my niece Helena’s baptism (Emma still hasn’t met her cousins which has been on the top of her “to do” list since she came home from the NICU), and Lindsey came over and we took more pictures with our sonograms and our small bumps that looked more like we just ate lunch!

We took full-bump photos at my baby shower towards the end of April 2017, which was the last big normal event before we started finding out all of the medical issues and about her dwarfism, which is when I started this blog. Not to add sad notes in here, but it was also the last day I got to spend with my Grandpa Narles before he passed away the following month. I wish I had taken a picture with him when we went out to breakfast with my dad that morning. 

^^ sign reads "future BFFs"

So two Saturdays ago, when we met up with our families at the beach, that was the first time Emma and Logan had been able to be together for us to finally take our post-pregnancy photos, with them both being 3 years and 3 months old. Logan was born about a week before his due date, which was originally before Emma’s, but that was before all of her diagnoses and them needing to deliver her via C-section three weeks early, which now makes her 12 days older than Logan. She doesn’t look it though! ;) 

Don't mind our faces, especially in the last photo with Emma and I both smiling big, but completely having our eyes closed, haha! It was very sunny and windy. However, that is always a much better alternative to it being rainy when at the beach!! Guess we'll just have to meet up again later for Pregnancy Twins, Part 5! ;)

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