Friday, September 8, 2017

Stomach Surgery

  Yesterday Emma had two surgeries done on her stomach. They found out recently that she has acid reflux, which was unfortunately passed down by Michael, and a probable cause of many of her "episodes". His mom and her dad also both had/ have acid reflux. One of the surgeries Emma had was the Nissen Fundoplication which ties a portion around the bottom of the esophagus that way food can get down when we bottle or breast feed her later on, but acid and other food can't get back up. Does that mean she will never throw up? Hmm.. The doctor did say usually that procedure forces body products out the other way. The second surgery done at the same time, was to get her G-tube placed. This way she can be fed through that rather than having a feeding tube in her nose, thus resulting in her coming home sooner!! She's doing well as always, such a fighter that little one, but apparently fighting to stay awake, so they keep giving her pain medicine to relax, sleep, and heal. Did I mention that she weighs 6 pounds now? :)  Here are some of my favorite recent photos of her.  All of these photos are from August, before she had her stomach surgeries.
 One of her Harry Potter onezies made by Aunt Jessica!! 
The other one says "I'm a Keeper". Quidditch reference. ;)
 My friend Lindsey told me that if babies have their hands open, they are happy!
  A few weeks ago the doctors were pretty sure that she had Larsen Syndrome as she matches all of the markers, but genetics said that it was one of the genes that got tested before she was born and it came back negative. The latest update on that is that she will have to do any genetic testing as an out patient so insurance will cover it. We talked about making a blog specifically about Emma (this one) compared to my regular one that had everything tied together. We want this blog to be a reference for families who have babies or kids with similar issues so they can see how we are handling things. Honestly, for me at least, things have been getting a lot easier as I try to "let go and let God". Plus, having family time where Michael and I visit her at the same time and do her bath and trach care together has helped me a whole lot emotionally.

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